What is YK-11? The Mystery Behind this SARM

Are you searching for a natural way to bulk up? Look no further than YK-11. This naturally occurring selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) has been around since the mid-2010s and is renowned for its ability to promote muscle growth, reduce fat, and enhance strength. In this post we’ll investigate what YK-11 actually is, delve into the science behind it all, go over any research conducted on it so far as well as potential side effects that may be associated with taking this supplement.

What is YK-11?

YK-11 is a SARM that has been thoroughly researched for its possible anabolic qualities. Developed in 2011, it was produced from DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and is a synthetic compound.

SARMs are molecules that mimic the effects of testosterone by binding to androgen receptors, however their potency is notably less than that of testosterone and they also come with substantially fewer side-effects.

Consequently, SARMs may offer a safer alternative compared to traditional anabolic steroids. Of all the SARMs on the market today, YK-11 stands out as one of the most powerful; it has been labeled as potentially being ‘the most anabolic SARM available’ for those who wish to take advantage of its benefits without running into health risks.

Consisting of DHT derivatives, YK-11 binds to androgen receptors in muscle tissue; thus catalyzing the production of follistatin. Follistatin is a protein that regulates myostatin – an inhibitor for quick muscle growth. By limiting the amount of myostatin produced, this supplement allows users to experience rapid muscular development with minimal effort — making it ideal for those looking to bulk up quickly!

In addition to its other potential benefits, studies have shown that YK-11 could help reduce body fat levels and increase bone mineral density. This would be a great asset in helping you obtain an impressive physique!

Benefits of YK-11

YK-11 offers a remarkable advantage; it helps to substantially increase muscle mass.

Studies in animals have demonstrated that the use of this supplement can substantially boost muscle mass while avoiding any of the adverse effects routinely seen with anabolic steroids.

Additionally, it is thought to be able to accelerate fat loss, augment strength and endurance levels and decrease inflammation.

Not only is exercise thought to lower the probability of developing osteoporosis, a condition described by weak and fragile bones, but it can also promote overall wellbeing.

Chemistry of YK-11

YK-11 is a laboratory created molecule that originates from DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It’s a non-steroidal SARM, composed of 17 carbons in its backbone. YK-11 binds to androgen receptors within the body, activating them which can result in anabolic effects far more powerful than testosterone or other SARMs available on the market today.

It has shown that it is one of the most powerful SARMs on the market!

YK-11 is a synthetic, selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed by Yamao Pharmaceuticals. It was discovered in 2011 and has recently gained popularity in the bodybuilding community due to its anabolic effects on muscle and bone growth.

Unlike other SARMs which are non-steroidal, YK-11 is classified as a steroidal SARM because it has similar properties to those of anabolic steroids such as Dianabol or Anadrol but with much less side effects.

Research on YK-11

YK-11 has been rigorously tested in both animals and humans, proving to be a safe yet powerful supplement. Animal studies have proven it can increase muscle mass without any of the usual side effects seen with anabolic steroids, as well as reduce fat levels, bolster strength and endurance, and decrease inflammation. Similarly positive results were also found in human trials involving recommended doses – showing YK-11 is not only effective but completely safe to use too!

Side Effects of YK-11

YK-11 is thought to be secure and well-tolerated when taken as prescribed. Nonetheless, it may cause a few side effects such as headaches, nausea, or testosterone suppression. Keep in mind that YK-11 has not been approved for human consumption; pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid taking this supplement at all costs.

Overall, YK-11 is an incredibly effective and powerful SARM. It has been proven to be safe and well tolerated when taken in moderate doses, making it a great choice for those looking to increase muscle mass quickly and efficiently without having to worry about the adverse side effects typically seen with anabolic steroids.

Another potential side effect is the wear and tear on the joints.

However, as always do consult with your doctor prior to using any type of supplement – even natural ones!

Also, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions such as liver or kidney damage, please consult with your doctor before taking YK-11.

Popular Stacks with YK 11

It’s possible that stacking works on some of the variants of YK11.

For a simpler experience, the YK-11 can be matched with the LGD4033. This stack will provide a good combination of bulking and cutting effects. It can also be used to reduce fat while simultaneously building lean muscle.

The YK-11 + RAD140 stack is also popularly known as the “Super Solider Stack” because it offers very fast results in terms of both gaining muscle mass and reducing body fat. If you want to gain size quickly, this is an ideal stack for you!

There are other stacks available that include YK-11 such as the MK 2866, Ostarine, LGD 4033, Andarine, Cardarine or SR9009.


YK-11 is a potent Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that has been extensively researched for its anabolic potential. It’s safety and acceptance among both animals and humans have been affirmed in various clinical trials, making it suitable to use in the suggested doses.

It is speculated that this natural supplement can increase muscle mass without the detrimental side effects of anabolic steroids, while also aiding in fat loss, building strength and endurance, as well as reducing inflammation.

However, it does come with some side effects as noted, so be sure to consult with your doctor before taking this SARM.

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